Thursday, January 14, 2010


We're having to shoot additional scenes to BAK because the Ratings Board refuses to give us a rating due to the content of our film. Isn't this ridiculous. Of all the things I thought I'd have to deal with.... This is not one of them.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

BAK Poster Art - Concept 1

These are rough renders I threw together to get them out there and get some opinions. Thanks Chris for the transparencies. Saved me a ton of work!

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

Monday, January 11, 2010

BAK Rough Cut Complete

As of January, 11 2010. The rough cut of BAD A$$ KILLERS is in the history books. Now we just have a fine tune cut, ADR, color keying and correcting, sound, design, marketing, effects.... Ah shoot you get the point.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

old time feel

Scratch the four day production of Jeopardy with absolutely no sleep and me being so hoarse the last two days, I had to use sign language to communicate. Scratch the first Meter shoot where it was so cold, my hands would stick to the camera. 


BAD A$$ Killers was a sunuvabitch of a shoot. With $14,000 and only two weeks to make it, a group of unknowns including myself cooked in 105 degree basement, fought wild audio, highways and everything else small production brings for 17 days in August to make a feature length picture. As with small productions, the editing process takes forever because of the lack of resources, help etc and can get very redundant. 


With Jeopardy, I cut the trailers for the picture in November before I knew I would spend two more months in post production recutting, so by the time the picture was ready for a premiere the trailers were old and the buzz they stirred up was gone and who really cared. 


With BAK, it was different, because it was a feature and I knew we would be cutting for months and months on our off time and it would take forever, I chose not to cut any trailers until we were nearly done with the rough cut. 


Knowing there is still tons of work to do, I was burnt out and uninspired. I felt I had to cut some kind of something together to get myself back in the game.


This film is CULT material all around. It's vulgar, classless, and full of all those things we love about John Waters, Kevin Smith, and John Hughes' pictures. The acting in parts is cheesy. The story is ridiculous and the plot holes are bigger than some of the crevasses in the Grand Canyon, but with that said, that's  the reason why I think it will be a classic in its own right. For this trailer, I called Mark and begged him to tear his vocal chords to shreds to give me an ole' time B-Movie feel voice over so I could cut the trailer in an old school kind of way as if you were at the Drive In movie seeing a trailer that prefaced a Midnight Screening of CHUD. I'm happy with it. There are more little vignettes to come, but for now, this cut pushed me over the hump and I'm ready for completion of the film. Enjoy.


Posted via web from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

old time feel

Scratch the four day production of Jeopardy with absolutely no sleep and me being so hoarse the last two days, I had to use sign language to communicate. Scratch the first Meter shoot where it was so cold, my hands would stick to the camera. 


BAD A$$ Killers was a sunuvabitch of a shoot. With $14,000 and only two weeks to make it, a group of unknowns including myself cooked in 105 degree basement, fought wild audio, highways and everything else small production brings for 17 days in August to make a feature length picture. As with small productions, the editing process takes forever because of the lack of resources, help etc and can get very redundant. 


With Jeopardy, I cut the trailers for the picture in November before I knew I would spend two more months in post production recutting, so by the time the picture was ready for a premiere the trailers were old and the buzz they stirred up was gone and who really cared. 


With BAK, it was different, because it was a feature and I knew we would be cutting for months and months on our off time and it would take forever, I chose not to cut any trailers until we were nearly done with the rough cut. 


Knowing there is still tons of work to do, I was burnt out and uninspired. I felt I had to cut some kind of something together to get myself back in the game.


This film is CULT material all around. It's vulgar, classless, and full of all those things we love about John Waters, Kevin Smith, and John Hughes' pictures. The acting in parts is cheesy. The story is ridiculous and the plot holes are bigger than some of the crevasses in the Grand Canyon, but with that said, that's  the reason why I think it will be a classic in its own right. For this trailer, I called Mark and begged him to tear his vocal chords to shreds to give me an ole' time B-Movie feel voice over so I could cut the trailer in an old school kind of way as if you were at the Drive In movie seeing a trailer that prefaced a Midnight Screening of CHUD. I'm happy with it. There are more little vignettes to come, but for now, this cut pushed me over the hump and I'm ready for completion of the film. Enjoy.


Posted via web from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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