Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Raider Ravine - Olin, NC

North Lincoln vs. North Iredell on Friday Night. The rain layer sets in as the game starts.

8mm - ISO 320 f5.6 s1/160

Garrick Lane

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

The Raider Ravine - Olin, NC

North Lincoln vs. North Iredell on Friday Night. The rain layer sets in as the game starts.

8mm - ISO 320 f5.6 s1/160

Garrick Lane

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Nights

Shooting a sunset on Beale Street, watching the sun rise in Times Square, or any job in between I've been privileged to be a part of takes a back seat to September. Last year I was hired to shoot North Lincoln Knights players for their football season and lucky for me, it carried over to this year. There's nothing like going out on a late summer breeze, with my camera, getting paid to do what I do and watch some high school football and more importantly, be a part of these boys' HS football progress. I fear this will be my last year as the boys I shoot are graduating and I may not be needed next year. Who knows, as things are going, I probably won't have time to do the suttle things like this that make me happy. With that said, I will cherish every moment I have left in the next 9 games. It's funny because like the players who wake up Friday morning super stoked about the game later in the night, thinking nothing but about that game, I've adopted the same pattern, sporting my North Lincoln shirt from the moment I wake up til the moment I lay my head down. Thinking of the different angles and tricks I can use to make the footage look great while covering what I'm there to cover. It's Friday. 


I grab my gear and put it in the car. There's a game at 7. Let's go Knights!

   (3853 KB)
Listen on posterous

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mattes without Photoshop Trickery

I had the pleasure to shoot the great NY hip hop artist, Pesu for a clothing company. The pay was good and to be able to spend two days next to this genius of an artist was honestly pay enough. 

For two days, 16 hours a day in an undisclosed warehouse with no air in the middle of August we documented a white wall transform into a beautiful canvas of Pesu's signature art. I broke out my whole arsenal for the event from a camera jib to my skateboard, to scaffolding, but after 20 hours, I was running out of angles and ideas.

I was changing lenses for the umpteenth time when I found an old UV Filter in the bottom of my bag. It was little scratched but seemed like the glass where the focal plane was was unscaved so I screwed it on. From there, I went to Pesu's array of paints and begin painting around the filter, creating a kind of raw, grunge looking matte. 

It worked rather nicely depending on where I set my zoom lens. I would shoot a little with red, then clean it off and shoot a little with green and yellow and so on and so forth.

This is another example of matting or vignetting without having to use Photoshop. 

*Add the paint very slowly so that you can judge where the matte will go on your frame. You don't want to do too much because you almost have to start over if it is too much.

Here are some examples of the different looks I got. I unfortunately don't have what the filter looked like because I realized after the fact that I had shot the various filters with a camera that wasn't mine. 

My Red Matte. Notice how close I had to get to get a wide lens to read the red corners.

Some actual stills from what I shot.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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