Monday, December 14, 2009

Short Mailing List

Anybody on First Draft Read of "The Drive In" SHORT mailing list, today's your lucky day. To better sell, my idea on this film I have also included with your script a 19 track Soundtrack Companion for you to listen to as you read the script. Yes, the script needs some work. I think mainly at the beginning and some of the characters are a little scarce but that's where all you people come in. Enjoy the script, let me know WHAT YOU REALLY THINK and be constructive. If you have ideas, I'd love to hear them. I want to make this film so it has to be better than anything else, I've done.


Here is the liner note art and CD Label so you can see the truly great music from the 80's I've put on it.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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