Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Odds of Getting Even

I received some more good news this morning. Well, it wasn’t exactly news, well maybe it was... What am I talking about? It was pretty DAMN GOOD news. Freddy, my partner in crime, is a friend of Ving Rhames and they were talking and Freddy guided him to my website to check out the Meter trailer. He watched it and was apparently impressed with what he saw. I was telling Mandi the news and how, I don’t know, she could not put a name with a face on him. So I sent her a link to Ving’s profile on IMDB when I saw it... I knew it was in production when we were in Vegas for Ryan’s wedding but low and behold Ocean’s 13’s teaser had been posted. I had to immediately share it with everybody. This may be the only franchised series of films that still holds its weight in water.

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