Sunday, June 4, 2006

Useless Video

As the weekend ends, I found myself finishing three jobs and having a little time to screw off. I do these "Video Journals" for my website. They are not much. I "down and dirty" chop them up. There are no frills, no bells and whistles, but I always throw it together before the Sopranos comes on and it's usually the last weekend of the month. I have to wipe my drives clean to free up "Gigs" before I add more gigs to the "priority list," if you know what I mean? So I use a song I'm listening to, I throw a clip of Vinny in them and Bada Bing... A useless clip for people to look at.

OK, so I run nothing but Apple and I know most of ya's run Bill Gates' machines, so check this out. It only takes two minutes and does not mess with your computer. You are gonna' need Quicktime to view any video anywhere that has to do with me. So, I'm gonna' help you out and give you the quick hook-up. (If you are on Dial-Up, nothing of this pertains to you.)

Just click on the silver little Apple.

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