Monday, July 9, 2007

The Demons Are Silenced

At the late ripe age of 33, I am officially married. I finally decided to take the big step from the big kid to well, bigger kid.

I was dead set that not much would change. Everybody kept asking, "are you nervous," and I kept replying with the same answer... "No. I’ve been with her five years, lived with her for around four, had a kid together-- Nothing would change but well, we’d be official."

Seconds before, I was to walk out the door into the chapel to DO IT, I found myself shaking and just the sight of Mandi’s beauty in her dress and the emotions surrounding us that weekend, I couldn’t help as the days pass, feel more complete. Sure, you have the ’cloud nine’ feeling because you had a great time and everybody was there, yada, yada, at first, but I seriously feel different. Like a new found love, responsibility, and respect for Mrs. Amanda Lane, which I intend to uphold more than I have before. I’ve made some childish, dumb, selfish choices along my long road of 33 years.... No More. I’m sitting on the plane to Vegas for our honeymoon while Mandi sleeps with her mouth wide open next to me.

I’m thinking dirty thoughts. I may have realized I had to grow up, quite a bit... But Some demons I will never be able to silence. -Wink,Wink-

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