Monday, June 22, 2009


In between trips to Atlanta to edit Keisha Knight Pulliam’s reality show, raising a couple of kids, prepping two other projects, I’m sandwiching one of my regular collaborators Ennix Xiong’s feature film, BAD ASS KILLERS into the last week of July and first week of August.
NOW - I have shot some films in the past, (Demon Cult on Fire, Jobbers, and even Insomnia,) that were shot in, “Gun and Run Mode.” From two take limits, to documentary style shooting, to picking up shots way past principle photography, I am no rookie when comes to the WTF style of filming. BAD ASS KILLERS is by far my biggest challenge to date. It’s a feature film:
Screenplay- 92 pages
Budget- $12,000
Schedule - 2 weeks
If you are in the business you know that’s an impossible feat... Maybe. We have to shoot eight pages a day to make that work and we’re working with a fairly new cast AND alot of dialogue. I fear a 3 week shooting schedule would be more rational, but adding an extra week adds nearly $4000 to the budget which we don’t have and won’t get.
So I find myself the co-captain of a ship that has about a 89% chance of smashing into an iceberg. (Outcome=See RMS Titanic) But there’s no going back now. The horses have left the gate rounding turn two. There is no more postponing it or pushing it back further. It has to happen and it has to happen during that two weeks. I will just have to throw out my meticulously disciplines I’ve learned over the course of the last 4 productions and relearn the ways of the “Hanging by a String” way to do things and hope it works. And even then, I will have no control over a run away schedule. I’ll have no control of any aspect of the film besides how it looks cinematically. And even then, I have no Gaffer and 1 2K to work with, so again, control...? No. This is what scares me most. I just remember, mortgage payment, learning experience and hanging with some old friends for two weeks of work that will be harder than crab fishing in the Bering Sea with half the sleep those guys get.
Stills from the Full Cast Read Through - June 22, 2009

See the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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