Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So What Did the Jewish Pedophile Say?

The title of this entry and the little teaser poster above was a joke that was told Thursday night at the Tap Room the night everybody arrived. After it was told orignally, it was repeated and laughed about at least 20 more times throughout the weekend. It became almost an ongoing joke throughout the weekend.

During the six month post production period of this epic wedding video another ongoing joke arised: "Garrick, try and be subjective and selective." If you are a professional cameraman and editor, I employ you not to try and cut your own wedding video. It is not healthy and in all honesty, you may find that because in fact you may not be able to be subjective as to what to leave in and what you leave out you may end up with a huge mess as I did... I think. I had nine hours of footage to jumble through and believe me, I wanted to keep 75% of it. The longer it took me to edit the thing, the more I second guessed everything I had edited. This same situation happened to me when I cut 'The Jersey Bootleg.' Of course in that situation, there were 21 hours and there was, (no exaggerating,) 18 hours of stuff we could've kept. It's tough, because you were there and remember how it all went down. Sometimes, the camera doesn't capture it like that and as an editor, you have to try and tell the story without using every pause in conversation and reaction unraveling in front of you.

The NC Incident, was the same way, and because it of course was my own wedding video, I wanted it to be perfect. I'm a nit picking bastard anyway when it comes to the real footage I am given. This was no exception. From Color Correcting and Sound Editing every snip on the time, (2123 of them,) to re-rendering and positioning all the text twice, (once to change it, once to change it back to the original way,) I methodically made an absolute mess of it all. Now, nobody has seen this video yet, because I am still working on the perfectly laid END CREDITS, DVD MENUS and DVD SLEEVE, so maybe just to me I feel this way because on top of the CC and Sound Edits, I reworked every Sequence at least four times as well. The only two sequences that were approved by me the first cut through were the: 'Opening' and 'Ceremony' sequences. (The Ceremony was not reworked because, well there wasn't really anything else I could do with it. If you keep up with this than you that story. If not CLICK HERE upon finishing this.)

I said the other night, this hour and a half finale to my 3 Wedding Video trilogy, will be either a master piece or a f*#%ing Snooze Fest. By February, 'The NC Incident' will hit the proverbial 'shelves' for my little part of the world to see. The outcome will be determined then...

For now, I've provided a glimpse of the variations this S.O.B has gone through in the past 6 months. The two sequences below were the two I had the most trouble with. From the music to use, to the pace, to the amount of footage added to subtracted, they were reworked four times. The clips on top were the first cuts abandoned after the month long ceremony edit debacle and two month following hiatus. The clip below it, is the fourth run and will have to be final cut, done three weeks ago on a belly full of tequila a couple hours of sleep.

Let me know what you think.


Edit 1

Edit 4


Edit 1

Edit 4

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