Friday, October 9, 2009

Perfect Format

I've been writing a new film and because I have been spending so much time editing this past two weeks, I can't bring myself to sit behind a cpu monitor those couple hours I get after the kids go to sleep to actually type the screenplay. This film is a little different than my normal high octane, balls to the wall, dark dramas/thrillers, I'm a custom to writing. This one is a buddy picture and really quite simple like films I've grown to love, "Beautiful Girls," "Sling Blade," "Dirty Dancing." So I went to the bottom rack of my CD collection and took every song from the eighties, and as sad as it sounds, it was a lot of them. My story takes place in 1987 at the height of the Iran/Contra affair and is based around a Drive In Theater the week after "Dirty Dancing" opens so I wanted to capture that time in my life by jamming the 80's songs as I wrote. Anyway, so I was reading something on Tarantino where he turned in the first draft of Inglorious Basterds written in a composition book with a Number 2 pencil.... I'm thinking.... Wow, how great would that be. That would make life for the "do it all" filmmaker a whole lot easier. Heck, I probably would write more just knowing that I wouldn't have to translate my chicken scratch in front of a word processing program sooner or later. Maybe when I get the clout Tarantino has, I'll be able to do that.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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