Friday, October 2, 2009

Tales From The Editing Bay - A Good Scene

It's amazing to me in filmmaking what impresses me. i've shot ALMOST everything you could possibly shoot from one time to another. Some stuff I remember. Some I don't. Some setups took hours to get right. Others minutes-- And you never know from one shoot to the next what is going to turn out and not. In B.A.K, there was two weeks of weariness, lack of resources, harsh sun light and terrible audio. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Some scenes I smiled about when they were done. Others I pissed on. This scene was the LAST scene we shot and by this time I was indifferent to any of my aesthetics. Today in the editing room, I actually looked at this scene for the first time and there was just something about it. I can't tell you what it is. The lighting isn't perfect, the audio is horrendous but there is just something about this scene that I love. Ten minutes into the cut of the film, this is my favorite scene "look wise" so far.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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