Thursday, March 6, 2008

Color, Costumes and Bargain Shopping

Trying to find props and costumes and everything else at thrift stores are impossible sometimes. I am fortunate because my wonderful in-laws are the Champions of Bargain Shopping and are unconditional in helping with me with my little "jiblets" of hair brain schemes and off the wall projects I come up with. So just like in the real picture show pre-production I have to get my vision across to everybody involved on what I need. What better way to do that than what I've always done.... In the words of my daughter, "cahwore it" (color it.) Meet the unusual suspects: Henry and Dana.

These were quick drawings of what I thought the two should be dressed in for the Present Night Exterior shots needed for the story. Henry is a guy that is so wrapped up in his world/work that he has forgotten that times have changed. This shirt, (terribly "cahwored,") is one of those loud plaid flannels you see all the time. They are ridiculous yet have managed to never go away nor change with the times. You can walk into any Wal-Mart today or ten years from now and pick up a yellow and blue checkered or plaid flannel shirt. (They come in red and black, I believe too.) Henry's is faded as if he has worn this shirt for ten years straight. After Ryan and I decided that the Exterior night shots were going to be "cool" in color, and there were going to be some deep shots we knew we had to make Dana stand out. Not only as a target but could not let her get lost in the muddle of the dark streets when we are doing Reverse OTS shots of Henry. What better way to do that but to pay tribute to one of the masters himself, Alfred Hitchcock, and put her in a deep red jacket and put her on a black dark canvas. My wonderful wife went to three thrift shops and found the perfect red jacket to match this drawing... And that's why I continue to do this.

Dana - Henry

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