Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Disgruntled Work

With the Atlanta job at least a month, (and a foreclosure) away I've turned my attentions back to finishing my obligations to Ennix and his film, BAD ASS KILLERS. The worst part of the Pre Production job is making the call sheets and doing the paper work needed to stay on time and organized. I now realize that we're two weeks out from the shoot and all the necessary elements like the Schedule are due at the office so it will be another late nighter of numbers, dates, and scene headings. Followed by design tweaks for the various props I decided to take on myself like an idiot.

See the full gallery on posterous

My sweet daughter always says she's gonna' help me out but never quite makes it. I don't blame her. I have a hard time getting through this pencil work myself. Sweet dreams princess.

Last night, making fake cop ideas for Mark's cop role in the film. Check his beard. It's awesome. Watching Braveheart and keeping up with my tweeting buddies all at the same time. That's the life.

Posted via email from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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