Saturday, July 4, 2009

An 8mm Feel

With my still camera in one hand and my old DV cam in the other I shot for 4 days choosing to work instead of play this year. I'm glad I did. I took a chance by shooting everything over exposed and over saturated so I could treat it in post to look like I shot everything on an old 8mm. The effect was there but not completely perfected due to time, but I'm proud of what I got. I shot everything shaky and dirty to get that "home video" /raw effect as well. The clip is long but there were 4 hours to work with. My favorite section, (like my still photographs,) is the walk on the beach with my son. It was just such a cool and intimate moment between father and son. Other than that, I'll stop rambling. Enjoy.Thanks Christopher, Michael, Munaf and Mark for the wonderful track that was my only choice for this cut. **The problem with the effect is I color treated all the clips and added a perfect layer of noise to get that 8mm feel to it, and it looks great on the timeline, but then when I export it for internet, quicktime I guess reorders the fields and it somehow drowns out all the noise I added. Any editor friends out there have any idea how I can prevent that?

Posted via web from Diary of A Shoot Stuff Guy

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