Saturday, July 12, 2008

Anxious for September

And with a day of minor adjustments and additions to add to my dummy mags and newspapers the Massive Undertaking of finishing enough 'Non Licensed' periodicals to fill my 6ft by 13ft Newspaper stand has come to an end. I'm somewhat excited because I realize when the film is over and the smoke has cleared, because I have made countless references to friends, characters and inside jokes on all these papers, there will be a lot of keepsake material I can give away or who knows, if the film does well, sell on ebay. WINK, WINK. I've story boarded every frame, drawn every concept sketch, character drawing, rendered all my promotional material yada, yada for all my films and I can truly say of all the things, (creative that I've done,) I am most proud of this accomplishment. I can already feel this film will be the best I've done as well. Although ten minutes in length it is the ballsiest and biggest production I've taken on next to Jobbers, (if not more complex,) than Jobbers. I am looking more forward to September with every passing moment.

Of course of all the work, exhaustion and creativity put into these covers, the best "dummy" cover comes from Phil, who is playing Henry. Check out his Variety style Spoof. It's full of inside jokes and damn near looks exactly like the format Variety delivers daily.

Other than that one, here the final three. If you scroll down you can see all the magazines in the past six entries.

Phil's Miscellany Trade Paper

Manish's End of the World Newsletter/Paper/Magazine

My Kids had to be on a cover. My father's jewell of a picture again makes it simple. My father's photography you will notice populates most of the mags. If it isn't him, it's the talented Muki Aledori.

And Then... The Other Newspaper. The Hickory Daily Record gave me the specs and are making it possible for me to have these printed so the other newspaper had to be ".... Daily Record." Thank you Lori for all your help.

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