Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Light at the End of a Very Long Tunnel

I am 2 Magazines and 1 Newspaper away from finishing what I thought would be the most time consuming part of Pre Production on Jeopardy. With an Acute Kidney Infection putting me out of work last Thursday and Friday and then a week off following I managed to knock out the rendering of the Metro Post Newspaper and 20 Original Magazine Covers.

Phil Vaglia who will be playing the lead in the film has also managed to do a fantastic "Fake Trade Paper" that spoofs the Variety Trade Paper. I'll get it up in the next couple of days. I want say I'm completely satisfied with my progress, but with the newstand nearly completed and the periodicals to fill it PDF'd and ready to go to print, I'll rest easy tonight. I spent some quality time with Payton and River in between and now have 60 days plus to work on the job I had in mind for my self all along.... Directing.

Here is the Newsstand as of yesterday.

My Tribute to my favorite kid movie of all time, The Wizard of Oz

The City Story Magazine Week 2

The City Story Magazine Week 3

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