Thursday, August 14, 2008

All the Vision Begins its Tangible Metamorphis - Part 2

It took a Vasectomy and an Acute Kidney Infection to boot to get me off of my feet long enough to complete the fun but rigiorous task of making a bunch of fake periodicals. One Month of constant design in Creative Suite, to three weeks of adjustments, to last minute add ons, to a week at the press, to my fantastic and helpful wife and I spending 4 hours on Tuesday night stapling them together, the second hardest task of pre-production for Jeopardy is done.

With the acception of a TIFF file conversion problem, the magazines look great. My only worry is now that I have them sprawled out and am looking at the finished product, I worry I still don't have enough. Yes I have 10 X Rated Blocker Sleeves but again... Do I have enough? I guess I'll find out this weekend as I complete THEE hardest task of pre production... Constructing and Finishing the Newsstand.

Here are a couple of shots I took. A very proud moment for me.

This was a brand new stapler when we started. 100 magazine staples later... Scrap Iron.

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